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qi jiguang中文是什么意思

用"qi jiguang"造句"qi jiguang"怎么读"qi jiguang" in a sentence


  • 戚光
  • 戚继光


  • Qi jiguang and china ' s marine cultural heritage
  • On the succeeding and development made by qi jiguang to the military building thoughts of sun bin
  • Early on i heard that we ' re going to visit qi jiguang ' s birthplace , so i checked out a lot information about him
  • Qi jiguang ( 1528 ? 1587 ) , dingyuan county native , was a military strategist and illustrious general during the ming dynasty
    戚继光( 1528 ? 1587 ) :定远县人,字元敬,号南塘,明朝军事家,抗倭名将。
  • Jinshanling section of the great wall , built during the reign of emperor hongwu ( 1368 - 1398 ) of the ming dynasty , was a defense work co - constructed by generals tan lun and qi jiguang
    金山岭长城建于明洪武年间( 1368 - 1398年) ,由明朝著名将领谭伦和戚继光共同制定防御措施重新修建。
  • East barbican < > after the battle in taozhu in 1559 , qi jiguang built two barbicans at the west and east corner of the toewn wall , a poineer work in his millitary career . this practice prepared him for the large - scale construction of barbicans on the town wall in his late years
    东敌台< >明嘉靖三十八年( 1559 )桃渚之战以后,戚继光在桃渚城的东西两角创建了两座敌台,这是戚继光军事实践的一个创举,为其晚年大规模建造长城敌台开启了先河。
  • Where is ancestral home of qi jiguang , this academia has the dispute for a long time , this text through document , macrial object and oral traditions material , prove ancestral home of him at xiahu , gan county , jiangxi , having realized his ancestor ' s pedigree jointing , this is a new progress and break - through that qi jiguang studies
用"qi jiguang"造句  


Qi Jiguang (November 12, 1528 ? January 5, 1588) was a Chinese military general and national hero during the Ming Dynasty. He was best remembered for his courage and leadership in the fight against Japanese pirates along the east coast of China, as well as his reinforcement work on the Great Wall of China.
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